I have some words hanging over me. "You're the best employee I ever had in this job, but you need to lose weight." "I like everything about you...except your body." "I'm not going to tell you you're pretty. I don't lie." "You're not good enough for me." My ex-hubby told me he wouldn't hold my hand in public because he didn't want people (strangers, even) to know we were together. Emphasis on the "ex".
Many of these things were said to me when I was 100 pounds lighter than I am now. I distinctly remember coming to a point in my life where I believed I could never be good enough for anyone because of my weight, so why bother? I believed that even if I lost as much weight as I possibly could, I would still not be good enough because I have a less-than-perfect body type to begin with.
I guess today I'm just curious..wondering why any of us think it's our job in the first place to point out what is wrong with someone else. I'm paraphrasing, but the Bible tells us to first remove the LOG from our own eye before we try to take out the splinter from someone else's eye. I have to consider that some of the hurtful things said to me about my weight were said in the spirit of "helping" me. I just believe there are better ways of helping people than giving them a laundry list of their physical faults.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
1 Thessalonians 5:11