Friday, July 13, 2012

Honesty is the Best Policy

I was going to title this post "WANTED:  Bridge Over Troubled Waters", which explains the photo.

But then I realized that part of what has been miraculous about my journey so far is that being honest with myself, being honest with you, being honest with God, has been a key factor in my success.

And the honest truth is, I'm in troubled waters!  I could give you a few thousand Very Good Reasons (a.k.a. Excuses) why I'm struggling right now.  Here are just a few:  It's hot.  I'm hungry.  It's really hot.  I'm really busy.  I've been doing this for a almost a year, and I'm bored with the program.  It's too hot to get up and walk.  I'm going on vacation where I'm at the mercy of Other People's Cooking.  It's going to be hot and muggy where I'm going.

But while these VGR's might have some impact on what's going on with me right now, I think the real problem lies elsewhere.  If I am honest with myself, and with you, and with God, I think the real problem has something to do with all the positive attention I've been getting about my weight loss lately. 

This has happened to me before in previous dieting attempts.  As soon as someone "noticed" I was losing weight, I would quit.  The fact that I have made it this far is nothing short of a miracle.  I do not understand this about myself.  I want to be slender and attractive.  But don't tell me I'm looking slender and attractive!  What's up with that?

What I like about today's picture is that the bridge (and I use the term loosely) looks only a little less scary than the troubled water.  That's how I feel.  Like there's a way through all this, but it's "iffy".  All I know is that I need to find a way to navigate these next few weeks of my journey without being swept away by the scary water.  I need to find my footing again.  I need to trust in the One who has been helping me, so I can get over the scary bridge.  I need to sing the song:

When you're weary
Feeling small
When tears are in your eyes
I will dry them all

I'm on your side
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

When you're down and out
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you

I'll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

Sail on Silver Girl,
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way

See how they shine
If you need a friend
I'm sailing right behind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind




  1. Hi Cindy,
    Honesty. There is so much power in that. That you can be honest about where you are now is so great. God put you on this path, and He is right there with you--as am I and a whole lot of other people. I look at the difference in your life today and a year ago. It is abundant and overflowing with blessings and friends. I love your neighbor friends, your WW friends, your church friends...the list goes on and on.

    This too shall pass. You'll look back on the scary bridge, and it won't look so scary from the other side.

    Habakkuk 3:19. "The sovereign Lord is my strength. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights. "

    Praying for you and loving you as always,
    Your sister

  2. I know just how you feel. We must be scared to reach that weight loss goal because then there will be another challenge for us that we afraid to face. Better to focus on the weight? Worth exploring that avenue.

    Hugs back to you friend........Pam


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