Friday, August 5, 2011

Thanks, Abby

Just finished reading Abby Rike's book, Working it Out, pictured here.  Abby lost 100 pounds on THE BIGGEST LOSER, a show which I have not watched very much over the years.  Abby's story is very inspiring on many levels, only one of which is losing weight.  I think it's impossible to feel sorry for myself in any way after reading her story.

Toward the end of the book. Abby talks about how she used to want a quick fix to her weight problem.  It made me think about how many times in my life, especially when I was younger, did I sit and wish that I could go to sleep one night and wake up skinny the next day?  Abby goes on to say, "But a life truth that has proven itself to me time and time again is that anything worthwhile takes hard work. . . . This process is not about being perfect.  It's about making good choices the majority of the time, knowing that I will make mistakes.  I'm human."

Reading this reminded me that I have chosen something that is hard work!  That may seem obvious, but sometimes we need these little reminders.  My job..and it IS a job! to do my part every day, following my eating plan and developing an active lifestyle.    I'm grateful Abby took the time to write her story down for me.  She must have known I'd need to read it.


  1. Have I told you how strongly I feel that this is your time? God has been speaking a scripture to me for you. It's Esther 4:14b. "and who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?". For such a time as this. I've heard several times this week that if we continue to draw nearer to God, we will collide head on with his will for our lives. He has prepared you for this time, and because of that, this time is different. I love you with all my heart.

  2. Sister!

    As for me being the only one reading...that may not be the case. You have to click Post a Comment several times before it will post.
    Live you!!! :)

  3. And just to make up for not commenting for 2 days....Oswald Chambers, July 7th, says, "If we are going to live as disciples of Jesus, we have to remember that all efforts of worth and excellence are difficult." Joy to you as you continue down this difficult path!!!
    Love and joy,
    Your sister

  4. I watched Biggest Loser for years, sitting on the couch! It inspired me but I actually had to make the first move! So, congratulations on doing that. It IS a job, and it will take a long time. But isn't it fun when your clothes feel a little looser? Keep up the great attitude and work. It is so worth it!
    Love you, Susie
    PS. when you "feel a song coming on" could you record it? I miss your voice:)

  5. Thanks, Susie! I'm actually working on recording some of my songs and posting them somewhere (Joyful Noise Facebook Page?) So sweet of you to ask. And thank you for your encouragement! ...Cindy


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