Another week. Another pound. The real story this week, however, is inches. I lost several of those...must have left them in Solvang where I walked blisters into my feet on Saturday.
I had a strange and unusual thought on the way home, after eating all those delicious meals I posted pictures of last night. Food is not the enemy! For so many years I've had this love/hate relationship with food. But this weekend showed me that I can enjoy really delicious and wonderfully healthy foods if I just make the choice to eat them. Sounds basic, I know. This trip was the first time I was travelling and felt in control of my food. AND, I didn't eat any of those famous Danishes--I didn't even WANT to eat one. I did have one Danish pancake, but I counted the points (as best I could).
And maybe "as best I can" is the key. There are still challenges to be faced: eating dinner at a friend's house (no choices), church pot lucks, parties...THE HOLIDAYS! Normally, such thoughts would make me go crazy with Despair and Anxiety, but I don't feel panicky at all. That's new. And that's good.