Friday, January 18, 2013

Don't Give Up - By Janet Malloly

Don't give up and don't give in.
It's all in the Lord's hands.
No matter what you're facing,
He's the one who can.
In any situation
His grace can turn it around,
So you can be victorious
As his love does abound.
The beginning and the end he knows
And all that's inbetween,
So put your total trust in Him,
To Him it's all foreseen.
He knows about your struggles,
He knows about your pain,
Your hardships and your sorrows,
And He will help you to reign.
So don't give up and don't give in,
Don't quit before it's time.
God's grace will give you power
To make it to the finish line,
In His way and time!

Thank you, Janet.  Couldn't say it better myself.


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