Friday, July 20, 2012

Vacation Eve

And, we're off!

I haven't even left yet and have already hit a few food mines today.  Maybe it's the super-packed schedule trying to get ready to leave.  I don't know.  I only ate a SMALL sliver of the cake at the barbeque...after a hamburger, baked beans and pasta salad!  It was all yummy.  It was all counted. 

The good news is, in the old days I would have eaten several pieces of the cake!  Having just a bite satisfied me, with a few grapes on the side.

My suitcase is packed with protein drinks.  Part of my strategy for this trip is to drink one of those if the meal looks scary, and just have bites of whatever is offered.  That way, I'm getting what I need without hurting anyone's feelings.  Another part of my strategy is to be as active as possible.  We are actually going to spend a day at a famous water park...something I never would have done a year ago!  I can't wait.

This, too, shall pass.  I will get through this vacation one way or t'other.  My not so lofty goal is to maintain my weight where it is, which will be victory enough for now.  I'll let you know how things go....


1 comment:

  1. Hi cindy,

    I loved seeing you tonight! I know how much you love sunsets, so I enjoyed sharing that one with you. You made an excellent choice for your dinner. Staying active is a great plan. When you get to our house we'll swim, walk and shop. And we will try to stay away from the tasting cups at the frozen yogurt place. :)

    I can't believe you're in Texas! To quote a local BBQ place, "you might give some serious thought to thanking your lucky stars you're in Texas!". Of course, I would rather thank God!

    Love you and can't wait for the rest of our time together.
    Your sister


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