Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Morning Walk

I've been working on creating a new habit...to put on my jeans and tennis shoes as soon as get out of bed in the morning and hit the streets.  Especially with the heat we have here, earlier is better.  This morning I headed out at 5:45 and was rewarded with a view very similar to this picture (just throw in a few houses next to the tree.)  What a blessing it was to my spirit to start my day with such a beautiful sight!

It makes me think about all the things I have missed.  For years I slept as late as possible, woke up feeling sluggish and basically started eating through a day that I spent alone in my home feeling sorry for myself.  My new life feels like a miracle!  Before, I was in such a rut of self-pity and self-destruction.  Now...it sounds hokey...but I feel alive!  Life still isn't perfect, but I'm savoring every sunrise.

To top off all this good cheer, the scale is also showing that I'm continuing to lose...another two sticks of butter today!  This is good because I go to Weight Watchers this morning for my official weigh-in.   It looks like I might be finally stepping off the plateau.  There's some might fine scenery all around!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindy,

    I like the sound of life off the plateau! Check your email! I found some more old pictures. Your new life is remarkable! Praise God for new mercies, new beginnings every day.

    Love you,
    Your sister


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