Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Everything is a Test

My day got blown off track this morning when I had a tire blow out on the way to a Weight Watcher's meeting.  It was one of those "whatever can go wrong will go wrong" days.  Eight hours later, I'm finally home, several hundred dollars poorer (bought all new tires), and exhausted!

All I can think of is, "I want to eat!"  I've been trying to count my blessings, like being grateful that I didn't lose control of the car and have an accident.  I was able to get everything fixed.  We have the money to cover the expense.  I had a friend with me, and even though it wasn't a very fun day, we did get to spend a lot of time talking...and I didn't have to go through this alone!  And, even though I have wanted to smother my anxieties with cream gravy, I chose to eat steamed broccoli and grilled chicken for lunch.  Come to think of it, we were fortunate to even get lunch.  The service manager at the dealership dropped us off at a nearby restaurant at lunchtime.

So, maybe it wasn't such a bad day after all.  And I know eating something fattening at this point isn't going to make me feel any better.  It occurs to me (after the fact, of course) that when something stressful happens, I need to learn to turn to something other than food to calm me down.  Hmmmmm.....I feel another song coming on...

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in his marvelous face,
and the things of this world will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace."

Thank you, Lord, for getting me safely through this day.

1 comment:

  1. If I were half as funny as you are, I would write a country western song about having a flat tire on the way to the weight watcher's meeting. I tried, but I couldn't think of anything that rhymes with "tar" (tire). :) Sorry you had such a day. I'm glad you weren't alone, and yea for the steamed broc and grilled chicken! Sounds like a successful day to me!
    Love you,
    Your sister


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